All Outside Abroad
Article name First author Downloads
影响估差:京湘新闻人中的第三者效应和第一者因素 彭雪华 1279
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. Hwang, J 981
Cyber security and privacy issues in smart grids Liu J. 892
Plant DNA barcoding: From gene to genome Li, Xiwen 864
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 姚風 789
沉浸营销的渊源与发展刍议 龚思颖 640
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 趙心樹 610
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. Chen, Shao-Ru 592
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. Gong, Yang 568
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. Liu, X. M. 567
The effect of celebrity on brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, brand .. Kim, S. S 538
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. Wang, X. 520
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. Faming Wang 513
Total-Effect Test is Superfluous for Establishing Complementary Mediation Yingkai Jiang 423
澳門法學教育之歷程與前瞻 梁靜姮 LEONG CHENG HANG 423
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. Yang (Frank) Gong 399
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry Matthew Tingchi Liu 362
An analysis of Chinese EFL students' use of first and second language in peer feed.. Yu S. 358
Polymeric micelles drug delivery system in oncology Gong, J (Gong, Jian) 358
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics Duarte, Paulo 344
Anti-cancer properties of terpenoids isolated from Rhizoma Curcumae - A review Lu, Jin-Jian 336
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics for .. Chen, Jia Hang 336
Design and analysis of a totally decoupled flexure-based XY parallel micromanipula.. Li Y. 333
Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding Matthew Tingchi Liu 330
Optimized Multi-Agent Formation Control Based on an Identifier-Actor--Critic Reinf.. Wen, Guoxing 327
People-to-People Exchanges Li, Yichao 317
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 胡偉星 303
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. Tingchi Liu M. 299
Exploring perceived risk in building successful drone food delivery services Hwang, J 293
Innovative marketing strategies for the successful construction of drone food deli.. Choe, J. Y. J 292
Discovery and preliminary SAR of 14-aryloxy-andrographolide derivatives as antibac.. Li, Feng 288
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence Gong, Yang Frank 287
选举的困境——民主制度及宪政改革批判 趙心樹 282
Adaptive consensus control for a class of nonlinear multiagent time-delay systems .. Chen C.L.P. 281
威妥玛《平仄编》的特点及价值 羅言發 LO IN FAT 264
《宗法制度與周代國家結構研究》讀後After reading "Patriarchal System and Zhou Dynas.. 楊兆貴 261
論澳門公司法中的利益平衡制度 梁靜姮 261
Want versus need: How linguistic framing influences responses to crowdfunding appe.. Su Lei 259
澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望 税兵 240
Simultaneously enantiospecific determination of (+)-trans-khellactone, (+/-)-praer.. Song, Yuelin 233
Robust Image Forgery Detection Against Transmission over Online Social Networks Wu, Haiwei 233
Translation and Linguistics Zhang MF(張美芳) 226
Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba Trace Analysis Shutian Luo 223
Computer-Aided Formulation Design for a Highly Soluble Lutein-Cyclodextrin Multipl.. Zhao, Qianqian 221
Rapid determination of pesticide residues in herbs using selective pressurized liq.. Du, G (Du, Gang) 221
How are food value video clips effective in promoting food tourism? Generation Y v.. Kim, S. S 220
Innovative robotic restaurants in Korea: merging a technology acceptance model and.. Choe, J. Y. J 219
Big data analysis of global advances in pharmaceutics and drug delivery 1980-2014 Zhang, Weixiang 218
Recent advances in wearable electromechanical sensors—Moving towards machine lear.. Nian Dai 217
Simultaneous determination of saponins and fatty acids in Ziziphus jujuba (Suanzao.. Zhao, J 214
“Light bearers” – Reflections on mentoring and being mentored Chan, Ka Lon 212
城市品牌对选择螺旋首轮的影响:理论、数据与方法的对话 趙心樹 209
Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: hospitality industry in Maca.. Liu, Matthew Tingchi 208
Fast identification of anticancer constituents in Forsythiae Fructus based on meta.. Bao, Jiaolin 206
Simultaneous determination of components with wide polarity and content ranges in .. Yan, Yu 205
Differences in Chemical Component and Anticancer Activity of Green and Ripe Forsyt.. Bao, Jiaolin 204
Application of consumer innovativeness to the context of robotic restaurants Kim, J. J 203
Facile preparation of stable PEG-functionalized quantum dots with glycine-enhanced.. Zhang, Lei 202
化學教育研究:範式的轉變 魏冰 201
横琴粤澳深度合作区:理念创新与制度构建 李可 201
The influence of transformational leadership on work engagement in the context of .. Si Chen 200
中醫醫館在人工智能時代下的法律挑戰與對策 梁靜姮 LEONG CHENG HANG 200
网络舆论的同音效应——基于选择螺旋和真基模拟的分析 趙心樹 199
《英華韻府曆階》官話音系下粵、閩方言詞彙的收錄 徐宇航 196
In situ sequestration of endogenous PDGF-BB with an ECM-mimetic sponge for acceler.. Li, Qiu 193
Standing out from the crowd – An investigation of the signal attributes of Airbnb.. Bin Yao 193
《新舊澳門〈勞動法〉比較研究》 李建基 191
Cleavable Multifunctional Targeting Mixed Micelles with Sequential pH-Triggered TA.. Zhang, Jinming 190
A MnO2 nanosheet-assisted GSH detection platform using an iridium(III) complex as .. Dong, Zhen-Zhen 190
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 張美芳 190
First Prize Award & Outstanding Instructor Award, Chang-Feng National Big Data Min.. Hao Chen 189
China’s Vision for a Future World Order and Its Implications for Global Governanc.. Song WQ(宋衛清) 189
Exploration of the successful glocalization of ethnic food: a case of Korean food Hwang, J 188
Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Audio-Visual Signals Min, Xiongkuo 188
Co-delivery of gambogic acid and TRAIL plasmid by hyaluronic acid grafted PEI-PLGA.. Wang, Shengpeng 186
Identification and quantitation of eleven sesquiterpenes in three species of Curcu.. Yang F.Q. 184
澳门社会保障发展对内地多层次社会保障体系建设的借鉴 陳建新 183
Tourism in Hoi An, Vietnam: impacts, perceived benefits, community attachment and .. Raymond Adongo 182
Chemoselective detection of alkyl halides via an iridium(III) luminescent probe Wu, Chun 178
gamma-Mangostin, a xanthone from mangosteen, attenuates oxidative injury in liver .. Wang, Anqi 178
Anti-cancer effects of Rhizoma Curcumae against doxorubicin-resistant breast cance.. Zhong, Zhangfeng 177
Life history theory Chang, L. 176
First-Person Influences on Third-Person Perceptions Xinshu ZHAO 174
多訊制鼓勵誠實投票 趙心樹 174
Chinese Social Media: Technology, Culture and Creativity Fitzgerald, R 171
European regulation model for herbal medicine: The assessment of the EU monograph .. Qu, Liping 169
课程改革中的教师能动性与教师身份认同——社会文化理论视野 高雪松 169
Periplaneta americana Ameliorates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Ulcerative Coliti.. Ma, Xuewei 168
Novel zebrafish polycystic kidney disease models reveal functions of the hippo pat.. Ren, Zhiqin 168
意志與利益作為羅馬法尤斯(IUS)傳統的價值基礎初探 唐曉晴 168
Water soluble fraction from ethanolic extract of Clausena lansium seeds alleviates.. Shen, Shengnan 166
H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance based-metabolomic characterization of Peucedani Rad.. Song, Yue-Lin 165
以識字為中心的課例研究:化地瑪聖母女子學校有效識字成果集 古文好 165
Toward the Total Synthesis of Eurifoloid A Liu, Xin 164
Supramolecular strategy for reducing the cardiotoxicity of bedaquiline without com.. Kuok, Kit Ieng 164
First-Person Influences on Third-Person Perceptions Xinshu ZHAO 163
Furanodiene Induces Extrinsic and Intrinsic Apoptosis in Doxorubicin-Resistant MCF.. Zhong, Zhang-Feng 162
Resonant Dipolar Coupling of Microwaves with Confined Acoustic Vibrations in a Rod.. Sun, Chi-Kuang 162
The natural compound n-butylidenephthalide derived from the volatile oil of Radix .. Yeh 162
All Outside Abroad
Article name First author Downloads
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 姚風 365
威妥玛《平仄编》的特点及价值 羅言發 LO IN FAT 73
Chimerization of human ESC-derived extraembryonic cells with the mouse blastocyst XU REN HE 40
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. Wang, X. 38
細微之處見功夫——黎翠珍教授談戲劇翻譯 張美芳 34
國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the.. 寧靜 25
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. Hwang, J 23
化學教育研究:範式的轉變 魏冰 23
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. Faming Wang 22
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. Gong, Yang 21
潮州方言百餘年來韻母演變的研究 徐宇航 21
基层网格化应急治理: 主要问题及改进路径 徐淑华 18
Translation and Linguistics Zhang MF(張美芳) 17
Life history theory Chang, L. 16
Value Analysis determines when and how to strive Cao, Siqi 16
《宗法制度與周代國家結構研究》讀後After reading "Patriarchal System and Zhou Dynas.. 楊兆貴 15
把住宿式书院打造成社群教育平台——以澳门大学张昆仑书院为例 張美芳 15
天然产物提取分离技术研究进展 邱玲 15
后物质主义五十年: 理论变迁及经验趋势 Tony Huiquan Zhang 15
E-writing in Chinese as a second language learning: A systematic review Zhang Luyao 15
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. Liu, X. M. 14
沉浸营销的渊源与发展刍议 龚思颖 13
Health Communication through Positive and Solidarity Messages Amid the COVID-19 P.. Angela Chang 13
澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望 税兵 13
People-to-People Exchanges Li, Yichao 13
选择螺旋中的议程协调 -- 以粤港澳大湾区十一个城市品牌作为选项 敖颂 13
Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and fut.. Law Rob 13
葛根素在制备治疗脆性X 染色体综合征的药物中的应用 LI YUE 13
文化融合视域下中国传统文化节目的 网生代用户群体研究 ———基于阶梯模型的实证分析 徐敏, Xu, Min 12
澳门中医药产业发展的PEST-SWOT策略分析 张辛聿 12
澳门社会保障发展对内地多层次社会保障体系建设的借鉴 陳建新 12
A Distributed Event-Triggered Fixed-Time Secondary Control for DC Microgrids Witho.. WANG MINGHAO 12
影响估差:京湘新闻人中的第三者效应和第一者因素 彭雪华 11
潮州方言鼻音聲母:規則、演變、層次 徐宇航 Xu Yuhang 11
《新舊澳門〈勞動法〉比較研究》 李建基 11
粤港澳大湾区创新创业政策分析 ——基于广深两地的实践与展望 蒋雯静 11
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 胡偉星 11
Where west meets east: Cantonese-English code-switching in contemporary Macao orig.. Lei Ut Meng 11
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. Yang (Frank) Gong 10
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 趙心樹 10
澳門大學教育專業課程的傳統文化教學Chinese Traditional Culture Teaching in Faculty .. 楊兆貴 10
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 張美芳 10
横琴粤澳深度合作区:理念创新与制度构建 李可 10
Does Managerial Macro-cognition have "Imprinting"? Evidence from the Effect of Man.. Luo, Y. G. 10
量化犯罪学的热闹与门道:杰出学者分享 (Insights of quantitative criminology: sharin.. 谢敏 10
从中国威胁论看老二难与老二病 趙心樹 10
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. Tingchi Liu M. 9
Exploring perceived risk in building successful drone food delivery services Hwang, J 9
Clutter and serial order redefined and retested Xinshu Zhao 9
Noninvasive assessment of liver function reserve with fluorescent dosimetry of ind.. Wu, Pei Chun 9
个人因素对不同阶段生育意愿的影响——基于 CGSS2017 数据的实证分析 陳建新 9
T-MSC, therapeutic effects and developmental potential REN-HE XU 9
从太阳花看民主与民粹 趙心樹 9
Socio‐economic status mastery‐approach goals and learning‐related outcomes Ronnel B. King 9
Identifying the top predictors of student well‑being across cultures using mach.. Leung, Shing On 9
Durable and Nondurable Goods WONG KA KEI GARY 9
Advance Directives for Pregnant Women Iong, Man Teng 9
粤港澳新药筛选联合实验室启动会、粤港澳新药筛选联合实验室及广东省新药筛选重点实验室.. ZHENG WENHUA 9
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. Chen, Shao-Ru 8
Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding Matthew Tingchi Liu 8
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry Matthew Tingchi Liu 8
Big Star Undercover: The Reinforcing Effect of Attenuated Celebrity Endorsers’ Fa.. Liu, Yongdan 8
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence Gong, Yang Frank 8
The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law: Insights from the NAFTA, the W.. Neuwirth, Rostam J. 8
Reflections on Macao’s Participation in and Contribution to the “Belt and Road”.. 蔣朝陽 8
Want versus need: How linguistic framing influences responses to crowdfunding appe.. Su Lei 8
刑事電子資料調取的美國法演進及中國應對 LI ZHE 8
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics Duarte, Paulo 8
澳門法學教育之歷程與前瞻 梁靜姮 LEONG CHENG HANG 8
公民抗命的红线 -- 从太阳花运动谈起 ZHAO XINSHU 8
Corporate Tax Benefits from Hometown-Connected Politicians Chunfang Cao 8
防止抗爭變革命的退場機制 趙心樹 8
Analyzing review studies of the recent development in hospitality Law Rob 8
Protein nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for cancer theranostics Hua Yue 8
Network-based information synergy in analysts’ coverage portfolios Chen, Rui 8
Research on Confucius’ Thoughts on Sports HUANG Hao 8
Groove stiffening of sheets by single point incremental forming VALENTINO ANOK MELO CRISTINO 8
Entanglement and classical nonseparability convertible from orthogonal polarizatio.. Li, Minghui 8
Analysis of norepinephrine-regulated cerebral lymphatic drainage by the second nea.. Xi Li 8
Cyber security and privacy issues in smart grids Liu J. 7
Total-Effect Test is Superfluous for Establishing Complementary Mediation Yingkai Jiang 7
Teacher agency in adapting to online teaching during covid-19: A case study on tea.. Gong, Yang 7
Effects of local food attributes on tourist dining satisfaction and future: The mo.. Kim, S. S 7
Chinese Social Media: Technology, Culture and Creativity Fitzgerald, R 7
English Learning and Self-identity Changes among Chinese EFL Undergraduate Student.. Wallace, M.P. 7
潮州方言山攝的讀音層次與演變 徐宇航 7
潮州方言咸深攝音韻層次及演變 徐宇航 7
On Second-Order Observation and Genuine Pretending: Coming to Terms with Society Moeller, Hans-Georg 7
人生的第一篇英文犯罪学论文:一群青年学者的分享与反思 (The writing of first English.. a 7
First Prize Award & Outstanding Instructor Award, Chang-Feng National Big Data Min.. Hao Chen 7
强化政府治理能力:香港从“由乱到治”走向“由治及兴”的重要路径 胡偉星 7
Les dangers de la manipulation subliminale de l’IA Neuwirth, Rostam J. 7
Development of a potential new anti-glioma drug: The study of the inhibitory effec.. Zeng Shan 7
Artemisinin reduces ischemic stroke induced cell apoptosis by activating ERK1/2/CR.. Tangming Peng 7
書院制度下的「音樂教與學」社區服務學習項目--用黑與白描繪的色彩 劉沛棋 7
乌克兰动乱是 “亚民主”的失败 趙心樹 7
与民争权,动摇政权,危害主权 趙心樹 7
反腐大交换,老虎换制度 趙心樹 7
All Outside Abroad
Article name First author Downloads
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 姚風 143
威妥玛《平仄编》的特点及价值 羅言發 LO IN FAT 29
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. Wang, X. 19
Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. Hwang, J 15
細微之處見功夫——黎翠珍教授談戲劇翻譯 張美芳 14
化學教育研究:範式的轉變 魏冰 12
潮州方言百餘年來韻母演變的研究 徐宇航 11
Value Analysis determines when and how to strive Cao, Siqi 11
國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the.. 寧靜 11
粤港澳大湾区创新创业政策分析 ——基于广深两地的实践与展望 蒋雯静 9
选择螺旋中的议程协调 -- 以粤港澳大湾区十一个城市品牌作为选项 敖颂 9
E-writing in Chinese as a second language learning: A systematic review Zhang Luyao 9
Life history theory Chang, L. 8
Health Communication through Positive and Solidarity Messages Amid the COVID-19 P.. Angela Chang 8
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. Chen, Shao-Ru 7
澳門大學教育專業課程的傳統文化教學Chinese Traditional Culture Teaching in Faculty .. 楊兆貴 7
把住宿式书院打造成社群教育平台——以澳门大学张昆仑书院为例 張美芳 7
Does Managerial Macro-cognition have "Imprinting"? Evidence from the Effect of Man.. Luo, Y. G. 7
Exploring perceived risk in building successful drone food delivery services Hwang, J 6
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. Yang (Frank) Gong 6
Translation and Linguistics Zhang MF(張美芳) 6
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 張美芳 6
文化融合视域下中国传统文化节目的 网生代用户群体研究 ———基于阶梯模型的实证分析 徐敏, Xu, Min 6
横琴粤澳深度合作区:理念创新与制度构建 李可 6
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. Faming Wang 6
Want versus need: How linguistic framing influences responses to crowdfunding appe.. Su Lei 6
People-to-People Exchanges Li, Yichao 6
Corporate Tax Benefits from Hometown-Connected Politicians Chunfang Cao 6
Chimerization of human ESC-derived extraembryonic cells with the mouse blastocyst XU REN HE 6
Dia da Europa 2024- Unidos na Diversidade PAULO JORGE TAVARES CANELAS DE CASTRO 6
Simultaneous determination of saponins and fatty acids in Ziziphus jujuba (Suanzao.. Zhao, J 5
Tourism in Hoi An, Vietnam: impacts, perceived benefits, community attachment and .. Raymond Adongo 5
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. Gong, Yang 5
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 趙心樹 5
Noninvasive assessment of liver function reserve with fluorescent dosimetry of ind.. Wu, Pei Chun 5
澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望 税兵 5
澳门中医药产业发展的PEST-SWOT策略分析 张辛聿 5
个人因素对不同阶段生育意愿的影响——基于 CGSS2017 数据的实证分析 陳建新 5
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 胡偉星 5
刑事電子資料調取的美國法演進及中國應對 LI ZHE 5
Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and fut.. Law Rob 5
Socio‐economic status mastery‐approach goals and learning‐related outcomes Ronnel B. King 5
Durable and Nondurable Goods WONG KA KEI GARY 5
A Distributed Event-Triggered Fixed-Time Secondary Control for DC Microgrids Witho.. WANG MINGHAO 5
Multiple Paths to Eliminate Criminal Records in Portugal LI ZHE 5
Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict -50 years of efforts a.. PAULO JORGE TAVARES CANELAS DE CASTRO 5
Jean Monnet Module - EU Environmental Law in Times of Transitions PAULO JORGE TAVARES CANELAS DE CASTRO 5
Europe Day- EU's achievements and challenges PAULO JORGE TAVARES CANELAS DE CASTRO 5
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. Tingchi Liu M. 4
Clutter and serial order redefined and retested Xinshu Zhao 4
Research on Teaching Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language in and Outside Mainla.. Yang Gong 4
沉浸营销的渊源与发展刍议 龚思颖 4
Big Star Undercover: The Reinforcing Effect of Attenuated Celebrity Endorsers’ Fa.. Liu, Yongdan 4
Regular Tai Chi Practice Is Associated With Improved Memory as Well as Structural .. Yue,Chunlin 4
Teacher agency in adapting to online teaching during covid-19: A case study on tea.. Gong, Yang 4
城市品牌对选择螺旋首轮的影响:理论、数据与方法的对话 趙心樹 4
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence Gong, Yang Frank 4
English Learning and Self-identity Changes among Chinese EFL Undergraduate Student.. Wallace, M.P. 4
潮州方言咸深攝音韻層次及演變 徐宇航 4
The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law: Insights from the NAFTA, the W.. Neuwirth, Rostam J. 4
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. Liu, X. M. 4
Advances in Gut Microbial Drug Metabolism Yifei Jia 4
Reflections on Macao’s Participation in and Contribution to the “Belt and Road”.. 蔣朝陽 4
澳门社会保障发展对内地多层次社会保障体系建设的借鉴 陳建新 4
基层网格化应急治理: 主要问题及改进路径 徐淑华 4
Artemisinin reduces ischemic stroke induced cell apoptosis by activating ERK1/2/CR.. Tangming Peng 4
書院制度下的「音樂教與學」社區服務學習項目--用黑與白描繪的色彩 劉沛棋 4
Where west meets east: Cantonese-English code-switching in contemporary Macao orig.. Lei Ut Meng 4
T-MSC, therapeutic effects and developmental potential REN-HE XU 4
A adequação da Directiva-Quadro da Agua as alterações climáticas PAULO JORGE TAVARES CANELAS DE CASTRO 4
Comparing the Determinants of Worldwide Homicide and Terrorism LaFree, Gary 4
从太阳花看民主与民粹 趙心樹 4
公民抗命的红线 -- 从太阳花运动谈起 ZHAO XINSHU 4
防止抗爭變革命的退場機制 趙心樹 4
反腐大交换,老虎换制度 趙心樹 4
从中国威胁论看老二难与老二病 趙心樹 4
一种高亲和性全人源抗Her2单克隆抗体及其制备方法与应用 ZHAO QI 4
漳州方言多功能词 “共” “合” 的历时分布与演变 Xu, Yuhang 4
茂名閩語完整體的層次疊置:兼論歷史層次分析法作用於音韻、語法現象的程序異同 XU YUHANG 4
The effects of robot type and task objectivity in robot service failure Huang, Huiling 4
Analyzing review studies of the recent development in hospitality Law Rob 4
Image Analysis Oriented Integrated Sensing and Communication via Intelligent Refle.. Huang Ning 4
Challenges and strategies in teaching Mandarin Chinese tones: A study on teachers .. Zhai Siyu 4
环保型柔性纸基驻极体扬声器及其制备方法 ZHONG JUNWEN 4
Advance Directives for Pregnant Women Iong, Man Teng 4
從田野研究 –到理解自我、理解世界 VONG SOU KUAN 4
Bubbles and Solow Model I and II HO WAI HONG 4
The Relevance and Implications of Hong Kong and Macau’s Foreign Domestic Helper P.. LEONG CHENG HANG 4
Weituo shen zai Zhongguo de chongsu yu zhuanhua 韦驮神在中国的重塑与转化 ZHU TIAN SHU 4
A Sentiment Analysis of Michelin 3-star Restaurants Au, Gabriella 4
Several Issues on the Integrated Development of Legal Services in Hengqin and Maca.. JIANG CHAOYANG 4
On the Protection of State Secrets under the Hong Kong National Security Ordinance JIANG CHAOYANG 4
LixSi 複合材料及其製備方法和鋰離子電池負極材料 SHAO HUAIYU 4
一种高电导率的固态氢离子电解质及其制备方法和应用 SHAO HUAIYU 4
Breve panorama dos tratados relativos aos rios internacionais dos Estados africano.. PAULO JORGE TAVARES CANELAS DE CASTRO 4