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提升體驗 會員制固客 Improving customer experience and retaining customer through membership Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/06/23
打造來澳必吃刨冰聖地 Creating a 'must-eat shaved ice destination' for visitors in Macao Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/06/17
以加薪或加盟留住人才 Retaining talents by increasing salary or opening to join as franchisee Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/06/09
孫子兵法營銷商戰 火攻篇 Applying the Art of War in marketing: Chapter 12: The Attack By Fire Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/06/08
借鑒先進城市錯峰彈性上下班 緩解澳門交通問題 Applying flexible working & commuting hours to alleviate Macao’s traffic problems by learning from advanced cities Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/06/05
打造“澳門精選”品牌形象 Building brand image about ‘Macau select’ Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
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Perceived Supervisor Power and Employee Silence Journal article
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2024
Authors:  Zhang, Ling Z.;  Lam, Long W.;  Lin, Xiaowan;  ZHANG LIWEN;  Zhu, Julie N. Y.
Favorite |   IF:2.2/2.1 | Submit date:2024/06/20
Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice✰ Journal article
Journal of World Business, 2024,Volume: 59,Issue: 4,Page: 101542
Authors:  Hu, Tianyou;  Yu, Shu;  Delios, Andrew
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Chinese State-owned Enterprises  Emerging Market Firms  Extradition  Fdi  Interstate Cooperation  Location Choice  
助建築公司檢測舊樓 Helping construction companies inspect old buildings Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
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增新服務項目 拓灣區高消費城 Adding new service items and expanding in cities with high consumption power in greater bay area Newspaper Article
Authors:  LIU TING CHI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/05/20